We recognise that menopause affects each woman uniquely and in various ways. It can have an impact on everything from your sleep pattern, personal relationships to your career. It comes with both physical and mental challenges. Statistics suggest that 85% of women experience menopause symptoms and 59% have had to take time off work due to these symptoms. During peri menopause your oestrogen levels will drop, this can affect blood pressure, cholesterol and bone health. Other symptoms can include loss of muscle mass, weight gain, night sweats, poor concentration and irritability.
What can you do?
Work together with our dietitian to come up with your unique individual plan that incorporates a range of lifestyle changes to help with your symptoms. Topics covered with the dietitian may include:
Weight Gain - Individually tailored diet and exercise support to sustain muscle mass and lose weight.
Bone Health- Tips on how to prevent calcium loss from our bones, because low oestrogen can increase the rate of calcium lost from the bones.
Heart Health - Menopause can increase the risk of heart disease, in order to prevent this. W e will talk about dietary changes to put into place.
Plant Oestrogens - For some women plant oestrogens can help to relieve some symptoms, particularly hot flushes.
Caffeine and Alcohol - Look at how to reduce intake in order to relieve symptoms.
Nutrition supplements - Such as omega 3- advice on different nutrition supplements that may relieve symptoms.
These sessions are to provide you with some “me time”, to really focus on your health and provide you with the knowledge you need for future health.